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Finest Weekender Baggage For Women 2022 Louis Vuitton fake Bags I absolutely love the standard and lightness of the fabric. Longchamp Le Pliage is such a stylish and sensible bag. However, I am hesitant to pay $145 for the original Longchamp. I rounded up one of the best Longchamp dupes that you'll completely love. Louis Vuitton fake Bags replica gucci In 2011, Longchamp teamed up with designer Mary Katrantzou to create a range of printed tote baggage. The designer's baggage have been inspired by temples in Vietnam and flower parades, and featured bold colors and wild designs. In 2012, the designer created two handbags bearing unique new prints. The larger tote bag was decorated with orchids, dragons and corals. For the smaller one, the designer used both an Asian temple and New York's Carnegie Hall as her starting points, adorning both with colorful flowers and lanterns. Mary Katrantzou also designed a Le Pliage purse featuring orchids and lanterns. replica gucci Ysl r